Download Photo Importer latest Version


Photo Importer allows you to transfer your photo albums on Facebook to your Google+ account. Only two clicks are enough for you to export photos to Google+ 

Photo Importer is a simple tool that allows you to carry out in a simple and efficient manner a task that otherwise would involve plenty of hard work. If after many years using Facebook and creating photo albums on this social network, you now want to export these albums to Google+, you only have to use Photo Importer. Even your tagged photos can be moved to Google+. How it works By installing Photo Importer, a toolbar with three buttons and a search box will be added to your Firefox. Access your Facebook account and the album you want to export. Give a name to the album to be exported in the search box and click on Make album. Once you have selected all the albums you only have to choose Submit all albums. Photo Importer will redirect you to Google's photo service for you to grant access permission. After following these simple steps, when you access your Google+ account, you will have all the photo albums exported and ready to be shared. Now you know, download Photo Importer for free and save plenty of time.  

Photo Importer Add photos to Google+ from Facebook 

4 KB | Windows  | FREE 


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