Download Grouper latest Version


Download Grouper, an RSS feed manager, right now totally free of charge. Grouper includes many management tools for RSS subscriptions and to scan webpages 

Grouper allows you to create RSS feeds from several sources such as Atom and other XML formats, blogs and webpages, Google or Yahoo! news pages... If you're a web administrator you may be interested in getting hold of an RSS subscription manager like Grouper. You can insert that information on your space by means of CaRP or using a traditional RSS reader. Components Grouper is made up by different modules, each one aimed at a different function: GrouperConvert: obtain an RSS from any webpage. GrouperSearch: search for words and create an RSS with the results. GrouperConf: includes all the software's configuration options. GrouperSourceConf: another configuration tool with advanced options. GrouperLoadPlugin: module to load plug-ins from the paid version, Grouper Evolution. GrouperClearCache: delete all the software's cache data. GrouperClearCacheFile: allows you to erase cache memories individually. Use all these tools to monitor the contents of webpages and blogs, convert between Atom and RSS feeds (compatible with versions 0.3 and 1.0), convert from RSS 0.9x to RSS 2.0... Download Grouper for free and get hold of a complete RSS feed manager for your webpage.  

Grouper Complete RSS manager for your web 

27 KB | Windows  | FREE 


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