Download Recipes Ship latest Version
Recipes Ship is one of the best ways to be able to check and share your recipes, with Recipes Ship you will be able to organize your recipes by category
The best way to have all your recipes safe is to use a database, and that is exactly what Recipes Ship offers its users. In a very simple and direct way it allows you to include all the recipes that you may want in your database to have them available at all times. ��The program's interface is very simple, with a section including all your categories as well as the recipes that are related to each category, with the possibility to expand the area to add new categories, and another section with the recipe and its explanation. The section dedicated to the recipe includes its name, a space for all the ingredients and an area to include all the steps that have to be followed to be able to prepare the dish. ��Recipes Ship offers very few options, in fact, it only allows you to add a recipe, delete or edit one that already exists, or to print the recipes, which will simply export all the information of the selected recipe to a printing window. ��Therefore, if you want a free method with which you will be able to have all your recipes well organized in a very easy way, download and install Recipes Ship.
Recipes Ship The easiest way to save your recipes
1.8 MB | Windows | FREE