Download Snowl latest Version


Download Snowl and centralize all the information generated by the webs and services you follow. With Snowl you will always have all current news at hand 

With the Internet we have moved in to an environment in which information blitzes are the in thing, and in which it's sometimes difficult to handle so many social networks, blogs, forums or RSS services. To keep everything under control, a good idea is to download applications such as Snowl, an add-on for Firefox. All the information you're interested in, shown in a centralized manner Snowl is an add-on capable of gathering in a single window all the information generated by the subscription to RSS services or social networks, so that with a simple glance we can get to know what's going on regarding matters that interest us. It is easy to use, and we can add new content channels by just clicking on its icon that is located on Firefox's address bar, also being able to modify viewing options. Features Contents generated by social networks, RSS feeds or blogs, centralized in a single window. Easy and intuitive management system. Customizable viewing options. Support for interaction with Twitter. Download Snowl and avoid being overwhelmed by the Internet's information overload.  

Snowl Keep up with what's going on thanks to Firefox 

627 KB | Windows  | FREE 


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