Download ALZip latest Version


ALZip is a file compressor and expander compatible with a large amount of formats. It has many very interesting options available. Download ALZip for free 

ALZip is a program that, if used properly, can be compared with the more professional developments of its category. It is a file compressor/expander with a simple interface, that provides various utilities and tools that have been developed to make life easier with compressed files. ��The program is compatible with more than 40 different formats among which it is worth highlighting the following: ALZ, ZIP, ACE, 001, XIP, BZ2, JAR, ISO, LCD, MIM, RAR, PAK and TGZ. ��It has a system that checks the existence of any errors in ZIP files, a tool to repair corrupt files, capacity to integrate your antivirus in search of any threat, a system to establish passwords using AES-128bit/AES-256bit encryption and an option to split a compressed file into various smaller smiles. ��The program's graphical user interface is somewhat comical due to the icons that it includes, but that doesn't mean that the program is less powerful. ��Download ALZip and discover a powerful program to compress files. 

ALZip Nice multipurpose decompressor for free 

9.7 MB | Windows  | TRIAL 


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